Chapter Based Questions

This function Manages the various Exam that are held in the same premises. The various Exam needs various prerequisites for its conduction can be managed here. Thus Exam allocation is a dashboard which shows how many exams are going to happen in the particular date. What about the physical arrangements to the conduct of the examination. The Various exam's needs are displayed their question paper, answer key and other particulars are in the view of the administrator thus makes the management of the conduct of the exam much easier.

Awesome Features of Chapter Based Questions

Work Flow of Exam Manangement

This Blue print is used for setting up of the Question pattern prior to the question paper creation

The Blue print setup has various field where the information can be inputted.

The Blue print setup has a name field where the question pattern can be saved under different names.

Various departments Blue print can be saved in the department column.

Various subjects can be stored in the subjects section.

In the Action section the various actions can be done such as editing the existing Blue print.

Feature of Blue Print Manangement

Time Save

The Blue print has been proven to be a time saver. The teachers using this software for the question paper creation has done the laborious work in matter of seconds.

Improving the Question Quality

The Blue prints has been proven that they can improve the quality of the questions. The pattern once set can be used numerous times and also can be used in creating the questions in a faster manner.

Blue print Management Online Tutorial

Main Fuctions of QB365